Swimming in Jewels

no matter how badly you have been hurt.
no matter how deep a friend. how deep a love. you lose.
you truly never lose anything at all.
in honest love, every moment is a treasure.
you are constantly swimming in jewels
even when they lose their shine.
even when it is time to give them away.
a piece of you remains on them.
your tiny fingerprint on their face.
and when they look at it. they will see you.
and smile.
and that is all you need.
this is how you win. by touching others lives.
others hearts. others faces.
and then letting them glow on their own.
or between another's palms. when the time is right.
and when this time comes, you will be ready.
and you will still be living.
and you will still be capable of loving and being loved.
and then a gem will surface. maybe after some digging.
maybe right behind the veil of dust.
and you will smile. because this is all you need.
and you have won.



Anonymous | August 24, 2009 at 12:58 PM

i love you.