Please Listen: A Musical Chaos

we need money

"Please Listen; A Musical Chaos" (if you don't already know) is a BRAND SPANKIN NEW musical written by two very talented people: Aaron Bliden and Mark Halpern. Staring 15 amazing young actors/singers, this show travels through a concept album written by the band "Little Justice". This album "Overwhelming Stimulus" tells the story of a robot invasion of earth, a village of farmers who's pastures have dried up since the invasion, and a forbidden love between the farmer's daughter and the robot prince. This show has it all: Rhubarb Pies, A humdinger of a hoe down, a crazy bear, kidnapping, love ballads, and more Musical Chaos. WE NEED YOUR HELP! This show has a huge cast, and a large team behind them to help make it the most awesome FRINGE show of 2009. Please pledge as much as you can (every little bit helps!) and help us reach our goal!


Unknown | June 28, 2009 at 12:06 AM

Went on and donated to this hopeful talent.
Can't wait to see the show. Thanks Stan the man