back in college park. it was time. although my immune system is in dis-agreement (i've had a nasty cold all throughout move in and the preliminary days of classes) i feel more confident and comfortable than i did down the hall one year ago. even past floormates have noticed my happier aura.
it's funny how things work themselves out. because i could not return to maryland until this weekend instead of the assigned thursday, i was able to end my summer with one last trip to the city and, just as the summer before, i spent it seeing james heather and james play (mtv recording then, conan recording now). i can't believe it has been a year since i've become a college student and a year since i met my best friends.
this semester is going to be good for me. all my classes start at 9 so i am forced to get up before the hour turns to double digits. also, i am going to fully delve into the world of stage management. the only thing i am worried about it my astronomy course, because i have not done a single math problem in 2 years. but i'm excited for the challenges ahead and the path i have created for myself.
i think i'm going to study abroad in london next semester. i was going to wait until junior year but i don't want to put it off any longer. i can't miss out on this.
and i know it's only september, but i have decided what my new years resolution will be. this january brought a lot of changes to everyone i know and i've decided that i would like some closure on it all by the same date one year later. i am still upset as is everyone involved and it makes me even more upset knowing everyone is still so heartbroken over it.
Stef, Jon, Michelle, Melissa, Kate, Showgofa, Amanda...will you stay up until 9am again with me?
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