my mother whipped out her snazzy bread maker tonight and insisted i helped her pick out a recipe.
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i've concluded that when i have children, they will play with flour. not that a good ol sandbox is bad or anything, but flour is so much smoother.
halfway done with lolita and diving bell, starting suze rotolo's book, and waiting on the ~20 applications i handed in over the past 2 days. i need to redecorate my room. and cut my hair. and get a new camera..
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"Who are we, if not a combination of experience, information, books we have read, things imagined? Each life is an encyclopedia, a library, an inventory of objects, a series of styles, and everything can be constantly reshuffled and reordered in every conceivable way." -Italo Calvino
if the world was a blank canvas, what would you paint?
i was asked that by a woman in Georgetown the other day.
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my answer: music.
2 down 3 to do
i took down all my posters in my dormroom today. you know what that parents are moving out my stuff tomorrow and i'll be home in 3 days! be excited, long island.
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the windowpane makes a show of rain...
osp will be releasing their ep not only on cd and for purchase online, but on vinyl. vinyl.
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on top of the 2 showers i took today, finishing my presentation on ireland and mcat's sketch show i'm going to tonight, this is the best thursday ever.
...splitting paths then joining up again. 12 days
sleep deprived and emotional
i completely adore everyone who i have in my life right now. i'm so happy to have such amazingly caring, smart, talented friends who will do anything for me just as i will do anything for them.
i have never been more ready to eliminate all of the negativity in my life.
umd theatre bffls: sarah, patti, lee, mcat, ladies are the best. if we could get through all this semester's drama, we can get through anything. i can't wait for next year with you guys.
high school players: you guys are irreplaceable. thank you for having my back always. nobody had ever made me feel so loved until you all came into my life. you'll always be the security for my basement parties ;)
tgt: my soulmates. we have shared so many emotional experiences together it's insane. our heartstrings are so damn connected we would need a professional knot undoer (is there such a thing?) to pull us apart now. summer in the city. can't wait.
what i live for
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16 days. please guide me home.
R.I.P. Stephen Stakey 5/2/08
I never met Stephen, but he was best friends to one of my high school buddies, Mike. My heart is with him as well as Stephen's family.
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I don't know why, but this stranger's death hit me real deep. He sounded like such a genuine, wonderful person. So close to finishing his freshman year of college..

Five, four, three, two, one
it seems the whole thing was over before it begun
at the setting sun

p.s. i do not enjoy the timing between this and my last post
19 days
just when i couldn't think they could stoop any lower, they continue on their tour de force of destruction.
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"anything that happens to me out there is entirely, specifically on you." - Lenny, Marisol
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